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"Bush And Blair Put Profit Before People

"WHERE IS freedom in Iraq?" declared a doctor at a Baghdad hospital. Within 24 hours the 'liberation' of Baghdad had descended into total chaos. Scenes of Iraqis tearing down statues of Saddam Hussein were rapidly replaced by pictures of looting and devastation.

Hospitals in Baghdad were, in the words of Guardian journalist Suzanne Goldenberg, "transformed into visions of hell". Only two out of 35 were functioning. There was no anaesthetic, no medicines and no running water. Children wounded by US bombs and guns were left to die in agony.

As we go to press, much of Basra is still without water. Diarrhoea is rampant and there is a serious risk of an epidemic of diseases such as cholera. Aid agencies dare not enter the main Iraqi towns and cities.

Yet, while the US and British say they haven't enough troops to save people's lives, there are plenty of soldiers guarding Baghdad's oil headquarters and the oilfields in the rest of Iraq. The multinational oil companies will make sure that they get the lion's share of the looting of Iraq.

This sums up what this war is all about. Thousands of Iraqis have been killed and injured not so that they can be liberated from Saddam Hussein but to secure oil and the profits of capitalism internationally.

Bush and Blair put profits before people in Iraq and at home. Blair can find £3 billion to wage this brutal war, yet hundreds of teachers face losing their jobs, fire stations are threatened with closure and our council tax and national insurance go up.

And where will it all end? Who will be next on Bush's hit list of countries that stand in the way of US capitalism's plans to dominate the world economically and militarily? Syria, Iran, North Korea?

This capitalist system is run in the interests of the profits of the minority, not the needs of the majority. War and poverty will always be with us as long as this system remains in place. That's why tens of thousands marched in London last Saturday. And that's why the struggle for an alternative system - socialism - that puts people before profit is so important."

(quoted from the UK SOCIALIST PARTY'S website

  Unite Against The Racists
Fight for a socialist alternative
THE RACIST, neo-Nazi British National Party (BNP) are standing around 200 candidates in the local elections on 1 May. The right-wing policies of cuts and privatisation, pursued by many councils, have got worse. And the BNP hope to make significant gains in the elections. The UNISON-TUC union demonstration on 26 April in Manchester can play an important part in stopping this.

A Manchester Socialist Party member
Cuts in jobs and services have hammered working-class areas of Manchester and Lancashire. Low-paid service sector 'Mc-jobs' are often all that's on offer. Housing prices and rents continue to rise in many areas, with others mired in 'negative equity' (houses worth less than they were bought for).

At the same time, the government and media blame asylum seekers for everything from crime to disease. In this climate the BNP has made some electoral gains.

But they have no real answers. United working class action is the only solution to the problems we face. Around seven million workers are unionised, with over one million in the public-sector union UNISON alone.

Up to a million local government workers in UNISON, GMB and TGWU went on strike last August against low pay and cuts. Pay on average is 9% higher in union-organised workplaces. More workers win industrial tribunals if they are represented by their trade union.

Many workers have taken industrial action in the last year, such as the firefighters. Yet we're fighting with one hand behind our back while the unions offer no political alternative to Labour.

In France last year millions of workers, minorities and youth took to the streets against the French National Front in a massive show of opposition to the neo-Nazis.

A united movement of working class and young people can halt the BNP. This must be built from below, by youth from the communities and colleges, and workers from the unions.

The fight against the far right, and against the conditions they feed on means a fight for decent jobs, homes, services, and education.

It means a fight for a new mass party of the working class and for the socialist transformation of society.

(quoted again from the SOCIALIST PARTY WEBSITE)